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Top five dinner meals that will get you good sleep

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For remaining mentally sharp and productive throughout the day and for ensuring that you are emotionally balanced, having a sound night-time sleep is critical.

than seeking help in the form of chemically-formulated sleep
medications that are often addictive and are known to have serious
side-effects, it is better to opt for natural aids. The safest and
probably the most undemanding solution to all your sleep problems is
food. Following are Five Dinner Meals that will help to optimize your
overall sleeping pattern and halt your progress towards serious
complications due to sleep deprivation such as insomnia:

1. Whole-wheat rotis with potatoes

Most carbohydrate sources, particularly those rich in complex carbohydrates, like whole wheat are recommended for ensuring better sleep.
This can be easily used for dinner by opting for whole-wheat flour.
Rotis made from such flour help to promote sleep by stimulating release
of insulin. This hormone is a stimulant for ensuring that tryptophan is
directed towards the brain.
Here, tryptophan is metabolized into serotonin which in turn is the
primary biochemical for establishing a general feeling of wellness. It
fights stress or anxiety-induced sleep disturbances. Ideally, these
rotis should be combined with at least one potato-based dish. Potatoes
are known to breakdown the acids that interfere with the metabolism of

2. Spinach combined with low-fat yogurt

Whether consumed with whole wheat chapattis or brown rice, spinach is a recommended dietary sleeping aid. Most leafy green vegetables
like spinach are a rich source of iron that is vital to neutralize a
common sleep deterrent referred to as Restless Legs Syndrome. This
condition is actually a form of subdued hyperactivity or an anxious
reaction to any persistent thought that prevents onset of sleep. A
recommended combination with spinach is having low-fat yogurt. This is a
proven source of magnesium and calcium.
These two micronutrients are essentially sleep-supportive minerals that
promote deeper, more relaxing sleep. Eating yogurt with spinach is also
recommended to ensure that absorption of iron is comprehensive.

3. Beans with flax seed rotis

Beans in form of kidney beans are a rich source of B vitamins including Folic Acid, B6 and B12. These are vital, sleep vitamins,
i.e. they help in regulating the sleep cycles and assist metabolic
process related to serotonin. This is why vitamin B supplements are
commonly recommended to people diagnosed with insomnia. Flax seed or
Alsi is commonly used as a fiber and nutrition resource in the form of
flax seed oil or as a flour ingredient. A bit of grounded flax seed
should be added to the whole wheat flour. Flax seeds are enriched with
Omega 3 Fatty Acids that help to fight-off sleep disturbances like
stress by aiding the complete absorption of serotonin.

4. Cauliflower/Kale (Javi) with whole wheat rotis

green vegetables are a natural source of Tryptophan. Among these, Kale
or Javi is recommended for dinner. Javi also contains biochemicals that
fight-off anxiety.
When combined with tryptophan-boosters like whole wheat bread or rotis,
it acts like the perfect sleep-promoting meal. If you cannot find Javi
in your area, you can use cauliflower or cabbage.

5. Cooked lentils with brown rice

Carbohydrate foods that are high in fiber tend to aid the gradual release of Tryptophan, ensuring that the stress-fighting capabilities
of Tryptophan are sustained over a longer period. Among these
high-glycemic foods like Brown Rice are recommended which can be
combined with cooked dals. Lentils are another high-tryptophan food
item. These are easy-to-digest and also provide the body with essential
proteins. (Health,

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