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Boys dump flour all over house in an unusually uniformly messy way

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By Sarah B. Weir | Moments Of Motherhood, Yahoo!
That two little boys could easily make an epic mess with a
five-pound bag of flour is a no-brainer, but did they? Viewers are
questioning whether or not a recent viral video is legit.

video is shot from the point of view of their stunned and muttering mom
and shows the naughty rug rats frisking in an indoor sandstorm of flour.
There's white stuff spread about the floor, couches, and side tables.
It is even piled in little drifts on the tops of picture frames.

house is certainly trashed with what sure looks like real flour. But
what's suspicious is how evenly the powdery substance is distributed
around the room and how chipper the boys seem--even after they are
busted. Anyone who has ever caught a little kid in the middle of some
really heinous transgression (or who has been caught themselves) knows
how quickly the fun can turn into a blubbering freak out.

are also suspicious because YouTube has removed comments on the video,
but Mary Napoli, the mom behind the video camera, says she removed them
on purpose. She assured us that the video is real: "We turned off the
comments because they were getting increasingly mean and vulgar." She
added, "It's mostly cleaned up now--lol!"

Take a look and tell us what you think.

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