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Four Saudi sisters accused of beheading brother

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اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]


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RIYADH, November 23, 2011 (AFP) - Four Saudi sisters were arrested on suspicion of butchering their brother to death, stabbing him repeatedly then beheading him, a police statement said Wednesday.

The statement said the gruesome murder took place Tuesday evening in the victim's family home in Hafr al-Baten and that all four sisters had been arrested and were under investigation.

"The father (of the siblings) entered the house and found his 20-year-old son's body and his decapitated head," local police spokesman Ziyad al-Ruqaiti said in the statement, adding that the sisters had run away from the crime scene but were later captured.

He said the initial investigation "ties the sisters' ... to the crime."




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