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Ex-Libyan PM stays in cell after death threats

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



Ex-Libyan PM stays in cell after death threats Three_cols

Former Libyan prime minister Baghdadi al-Mahmudi, seen
here in June 2011, failed to turn up at a court hearing in Tunisia to
fight an extradition order after being the target of death
threats(AFP/File/Mahmud Turkia)


TUNIS (AFP) - Former Libyan prime minister Baghdadi
al-Mahmudi failed to turn up Friday at a court hearing in Tunisia to
fight an extradition order after being the target of death threats, his
lawyer said.

"Mr Mahmudi has received written deaths, from
Libyans, and asked for authorisation from the court not to leave
Mornaguia", a prison near Tunis where he is being held, his attorney
Mabrouk Kourchid told AFP.

A Tunisian appeals court earlier this
month approved Mahmudi's extradition to Libya, a ruling that Mahmudi is
battling on the grounds that he has formally applied for refugee status.

Kourchid said Friday's hearing was merely a formality and Mahmudi's absence was of no significance.

70-year-old Mahmudi, prime minister until the final days of the regime
of the late Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi, was arrested on September 21
on Tunisia's southwestern border with Algeria and jailed for illegal



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