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Bombs kill 15 in and around Baghdad

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]




BAGHDAD, (AP) — A series of blasts struck an area west of
Baghdad on Saturday where day laborers gather to find work, as well as a
music and clothes market in the capital, killing at least 15 people,
officials said.

The second day of major attacks this week in Iraq
underscored the challenges still facing the country's security forces
as they approach a particularly fragile time. All American troops are
scheduled to be out of Iraq in a matter of weeks, leaving Iraqi security
forces with sole responsibility for securing the country.

first two bombs exploded in the early morning in an area where day
laborers wait for work in the mostly Sunni village of al-Zaidan, near
the town of Abu Ghraib west of Baghdad. They killed seven people and
wounded 11 others, the officials said.

Hours later, three bombs
exploded near the kiosks of vendors selling CDs and military uniforms in
central Baghdad's Bab al-Sharqi market district, killing eight people
and wounding 19.

"I went outside my shop and saw people running
in all directions trying to leave the market area. I saw several bodies
and wounded people on the ground," said Mohammed Youssef, who owns a
clothing shop in the area.

Iraqi military commanders ordered all
the vendors selling products in the area to close their kiosks and move,
in an attempt to clear out the area and make it harder for insurgents
to hide bombs.

Health officials at Abu Ghraib's general hospital
and at three hospitals in Baghdad confirmed the casualty figures. All
officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not
authorized to release the information.

Violence has ebbed across
Iraq, but deadly bombings and shootings still occur almost daily as U.S.
troops prepare to leave by the end of the year. Iraqi security
officials maintain that they are fully prepared for the withdrawal,
which is required under a 2008 security pact between the U.S. and Iraq.

On Thursday, three bombs struck the southern city of Basra, killing 19 people.

this week, the top U.S. general in Iraq, Lloyd Austin, said that there
would likely be some "turbulence" after American troops depart, as
insurgents try to strengthen their positions. But he did not think there
would be a wholesale disintegration of security.

One key area of
concern has been the ability of Iraqi security forces to gather
intelligence on insurgent groups such as al-Qaida in Iraq after the
American forces leave. The U.S. military has been instrumental in
helping Iraqi security forces gather intelligence on various militant
targets which Iraqi security forces then use to find and arrest them.

Shiite Bab al-Sharqi until recently had been surrounded by blast walls,
which were removed as a result of the improved security situation, said
Qassim al-Moussawi, the military spokesman for Baghdad.

bombers "try to prove their presence and hinder our efforts to remove
all the concrete walls, but we will continue removing them and keeping
control," he said.

Baghdad is crisscrossed with concrete blast
walls that both reassure and frustrate residents. The walls helped
reduce violence and protect areas such as markets or major buildings.
But they also create huge traffic jams and hurt the economy.

Iraqi security forces have been slowly removing the blast walls, but
some people in the market area Saturday said they wanted them back.

have been expecting something bad in the market after the security
forces removed the blast barriers a few days ago," said Youssef, the
clothing shop owner.



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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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