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Top 5 Anti-Ageing Foods

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

1Top 5 Anti-Ageing Foods Empty Top 5 Anti-Ageing Foods 2011-12-03, 9:49 am




We all dread the day when we would come across the first wrinkle
on our face. Growing old is an inevitable fact that we'll have to
accept one day or the other.

However, instead of simply sitting
and waiting for the wrinkles to come, we can indulge ourselves in some
fantastic foods that help slow down the aging process. Here are the top 5
anti-aging foods that you should start gorging on.

5. Avocado
contains a significant amount mono-saturated fat, which helps reduce
bad cholestrol, and Vitamin E which aid in the prolonging of the aging
of the skin. It is also a great source of potassium which is known to
prevent high blood pressure and fluid retention.

4. Salmon
people who don't enjoy eating vegetables, salmon is the perfect choice
owing to the great quality protein it contains. It is also rich in
omega-3 fatty acids which make the skin healthy. For optimum results, it
is advised to include salmon into your diet at least thrice a week.

3. Broccoli

belongs to the family of cruciferous vegetables which are famous for
assisting the body in fighting against toxins. Broccoli also contains
quercetin and isothiocyanates which are known antioxidants. Reportedly,
broccoli sprouts contain more isothiocyanates than the vegetable itself.

2. Berries
Berries, especially blue and black ones
great sources of flavonoids which are known to be powerful antioxidants.
These antioxidants protect the body against aging as well as free
radicals. Berries also help prevent the toxin build up in the body,
hence fighting the aging process.

1. Watermelon

is known as one of the best anti-aging foods. Containing nutrients like
selenium, Vitamins A, B, C and E, essential fats and zinc, it is the
most effective food against radical damage and aging. Also both its
flesh and seeds are equally nutritious.

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