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Russia withdraws envoy to Qatar after attack

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



MOSCOW, Dec 5 (Reuters) - Russia said on Monday it was

downgrading relations with Qatar and withdrawing its ambassador

after he was beaten by customs officials at Doha's airport last

month, causing possible difficulty over a major energy deal

between the two countries.

Moscow has "made the decision to downgrade relations with

Qatar," Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told Qatari Prime

Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani by telephone, a

Ministry statement said.

"Russian Ambassador (Vladimir) Titorenko will leave Qatar

after finishing his course of treatment in the coming days,"

added the statement, referring to the medical care he was

receiving following the physical assault.

The Qatari Foreign Ministry could not be reached for


According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, Titorenko was

beaten on Nov. 29 when he passed through customs upon returning

to Qatar from a business trip to Jordan.

A complaint sent by the Ministry to Qatar on Nov. 30

demanding an apology received no reply, the statement said.

Qatar said last month it was in negotiations to take a stake

in an Arctic liquefied natural gas (LNG) project under

development by number-two Russian gas producer Novatek.

The project, in Russia's northern Yamal peninsula, envisions

developing the South Tambey field located in the Arctic area.

Resources from the condensate and gas field are expected to

produce 5 million tonnes of LNG per year when production starts

in 2016 and reach 15 million tonnes per year in 2018.

(Reporting by Amie Ferris-Rotman)

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