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Kingdom asks world to back Palestinians

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]




JEDDAH: Saudi Arabia on Monday urged the international community to
adopt a united and decisive stand to help the Palestinians get their
legitimate rights including an independent state with Jerusalem as its
capital on the basis of UN resolutions.

The weekly meeting of the Council of Ministers, chaired by Custodian
of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah at Yamamah Palace in Riyadh, also
urged the international community to pressure Israel to give up its
logic of power, adopting the choice of peace, and accept the
establishment of a Palestinian state.

Culture and Information Minister Abdul Aziz Khoja said the Cabinet
reviewed the efforts being made at Arab and Islamic levels to contain
the crisis in Syria and praised the endeavors of the Arab League and
Organization of Islamic Cooperation in this respect.

The Cabinet meeting reiterated its condemnation of the attacks
targeting diplomatic missions, urging all countries to respect
international agreements and charters that ensure the safety of foreign
diplomats and embassies.

The Cabinet statement comes after the Iranian attack on the British
Embassy in Tehran last week. “The attack was a breach of the Vienna
agreement on diplomatic relations,” said an official source at the Saudi
Foreign Ministry on Wednesday.

Under the Vienna agreement, the host country has the responsibility
to protect a foreign diplomatic mission, its staff and properties, the
source pointed out. Britain shut the Iranian Embassy in London and
expelled all its staff on Wednesday, saying the storming of the British
mission in Tehran on Tuesday could not have taken place without the
consent of the Iranian regime.

The Cabinet meeting also denounced the Israeli atrocities against the
Palestinians and its move to construct 650 homes in the occupied Arab
territories and change its demographic nature. Israel is also planning
to construct a new road, grabbing more Palestinian land.

Khoja said the meeting praised the launch of a 20-volume Saudi
encyclopedia in Arabic that provides authentic and comprehensive
information about Saudi Arabia, its history, culture and progress.
Deputy Foreign Minister Prince Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah unveiled the work
during a ceremony at King Abdul Aziz Public Library in Riyadh on
Sunday. The Cabinet commended the library for carrying out the
encyclopedia project that took its researchers 10 years to complete.

Meanwhile, Prince Muhammad bin Saad and Prince Saud bin Naif took
oaths of office as deputy governor of Riyadh and member of the
Allegiance Commission respectively, in front of King Abdullah. The king
congratulated the two officials and wished them every success. Defense
Minister Prince Salman and State Minister and Commander of the National
Guard Prince Miteb bin Abdullah attended the ceremony.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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