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Pope: Italy, Europe need hope now

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

1Pope: Italy, Europe need hope now Empty Pope: Italy, Europe need hope now 2011-12-08, 11:59 pm



Italy, Europe and many other places in the world need hope in these
difficult times, Pope Benedict XVI said Thursday, greeting holiday
shoppers and others at the foot of the Spanish Steps.
The pope was
keeping up a holiday tradition to pray near a statue of the Virgin Mary
in a square near Rome's poshest shopping area. The annual appointment
kicks off Rome's holiday gift-buying season.
A few thousand Romans
and tourists turned out to hear him speak, many of them interrupting
their own shopping on the official Dec. 8 national holiday.
Benedict urged faithful should pray to Mary for encouragement to lead a Christian life as well as to be supported by hope.
need it, above all, in this moment so difficult for Italy, for Europe
and various other places in the world," Benedict said in a brief speech
before praying silently as he stood on a carpet laid across the
cobblestones. "May Mary help us to see that there is light beyond this
blanket of fog that seems to be wrapped around reality."
He appeared to be referring to the financial crisis gripping much of the West.
a crimson, fur-trimmed cape despite the mild weather, the 84-year-old
pontiff traveled in his popemobile through the narrow streets near the

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