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Yemen unity government sworn in, soldier killed

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



SANAA (Reuters) - Yemen's new unity government, formed to try and
avert civil war, met for the first time on Saturday, hours after a
soldier was killed in continuing violence between supporters and
opponents of outgoing president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

State news agency Saba said Vice President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, to
whom Saleh transferred his powers under a deal brokered by Yemen's Gulf
neighbors, chaired the meeting of the newly sworn-in cabinet, which
includes members of the opposition.

The government faces a host of challenges including sporadic fighting
with anti-Saleh tribesmen, a southern separatist movement, a Shi'ite
Muslim rebellion in the north and a regional wing of al Qaeda that has
exploited the upheaval to strengthen its foothold in the poor Arabian
peninsula country.

Top oil exporter Saudi Arabia shares U.S. fears that more instability
in Yemen could embolden the country's al Qaeda wing - against which
Washington has waged a campaign of drone strikes - in a country sitting
next to oil shipping routes.

Late on Friday, a soldier was killed in fighting between government
forces and opponents of Saleh on the streets of the capital Sanaa, the
Defense Ministry said.

The violence near government buildings and the compound of Sadeq
al-Ahmar, a foe of Saleh who commands significant forces, was the latest
challenge to the transition plan after 10 months of bloody anti-Saleh

The Defence Ministry on its website accused the Ahmar tribesmen of
launching attacks in the northern neighborhood of Hasaba with the aim of
"derailing efforts towards establishing security and stability in the
capital and other areas."

The opposition, in turn, accused troops from the Republican Guard,
which is headed by a son of Saleh, of breaking a truce and firing
artillery salvos at northern districts of the capital on Saturday,
wounding at least one person.


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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