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Liz Taylor couture soars to $2.6 million at auction

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



NEW YORK (Reuters) One of actress Elizabeth Taylor's Dior evening
gowns sold for $362,500, boosting the total for the auction of her haute
couture to $2.6 million at Christie's.

The silver encrusted brocade gown from 1968, with matching bag, had
been estimated at about $5,000, but a protracted bidding war among
several determined would-be buyers drove the price to about 70 times
that, including commission.

The Wednesday sale, the third in a weeks' worth of auctions of
Taylor's storied jewels, clothes, memorabilia and other items, was not
marked by the freewheeling frenzy that prevailed on Tuesday, when her
finest jewelry took in $116 million.

But the $2.6 million was still about 10 times the pre-sale estimate,
owing to the Taylor cachet and also driven by competitive online bidding
from around the globe.

Christie's said the sale set a record for a couture auction, although
the evening's top lot was actually an Andy Warhol lithograph of Taylor
which fetched $662,500.

"The couture was an extremely successful auction," said Andrea
Fiuczynski, president of Christie's Los Angeles, who served as

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