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Lady Gaga crushes rivals in 2011 music earnings

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(Reuters) - Lady Gaga towered over other female musicians in 2011,
heading a list of top earning women with an estimated $90 million in
income, according to a survey released on Wednesday.

The "Born This Way" singer and performance artist made more than
double her nearest rival -- country/pop artist Taylor Swift -- thanks to
multiple endorsement deals and an estimated $1.3 million nightly gross
ticket sales from her concert tour.

Swift earned about $45 million, thanks to her hit album "Speak Now",
perfume line, and other deals, just ahead of "Teenage Dream" singer Katy
Perry with $44 million. drew up its list from data on pre-tax income compiled
through record sales, touring data and interviews with music lawyers,
managers and concert promoters.

Beyonce's 2011 income dipped to an estimated $35 million, mostly
because of her relatively small amount of touring this year, but her new
album "4", fashion line, and two fragrances helped to put her in 4th

Rihanna rounded out the top 5, earning an estimated $29 million from
sales of her album "Loud", and endorsements from cosmetics company

The full list can be seen on the site at

(Reporting by Jill Serjeant; Editing by Bob Tourtellotte)

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