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موقع الملف الاخباري اخبار التعليم العربي اخبار اقتصاديه في الوطن العربي لحظه بلحظخ اخبار اليوم بدقيقه بدقيقه واحده

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Iran to put captured foreign drones on display

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



Dec 18 (IANS) Foreign spy drones captured by Iran, that reportedly
include four Israeli and three US aircraft, will be put on display, Mehr
news agency reported. Latest 'domestically-manufactured electronic
warfare equipment' will also be shown.

Citing the Tehran Times and the Nasim news agency, the report said
that 'national reporters' and foreign ambassadors based in Tehran will
be allowed to visit the exhibition.

A source told the Tehran Times that Iran now has four Israeli and three US unmanned aerial vehicles.

The most advanced drone in its possession is the American one that
crashed recently -- the RQ-170 Sentinel. Iran announced Dec 4 that the
US drone was brought down by the country's armed forces. Iran says the
drone had entered the country from Afghanistan.

US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta, however, in a recent interview to a
TV channel, reportedly said the stealth drone campaign along the
Iran-Afghanistan border would 'absolutely' continue.

In an interview published earlier this year, the commander of the
Aerospace Force of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, Brig. Gen.
Amir Ali Hajizadeh, said: 'They (Westerners) have made limited
aggressions against the country and we have shot down a number of their
highly advanced spy planes so far.'

'We have constant clashes with the enemy's surveillance and
reconnaissance aircrafts,' he said, adding that Iranian experts have
'reverse-engineered' and manufactured some of the planes that were shot

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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