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Israel frees 550 Palestinian prisoners

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



Israel has released 550 Palestinian prisoners in the second stage of a
deal with Hamas, with nearly all of the prisoners passing through a
crossing into the West Bank where they were greeted by thousands of

Though Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, had reached the deal with
Israel, most of the crowd on Sunday waved flags from the rival Fatah
faction of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, the dominant party in
the West Bank.

Hours before the release got underway, hundreds of Palestinians
clashed with Israeli soldiers at a West Bank checkpoint. They were among
the crowd gathered at Beitunia, southwest of Ramallah, anxiously
awaiting their relatives who were being freed.

Tempers ran high and when youths began pushing the nearby security
fence and throwing rocks, soldiers fired tear gas and stun grenades,
witnesses said.

Sunday's release completes the Egyptian-brokered deal to exchange a total of 1,027 prisoners for Gilad Shalit,
who was captured by Gaza fighters in June 2006. Shalit returned home on
October 18 when Israel freed the first batch of 477 prisoners.

Al Jazeera's Cal Perry, reporting from Ramallah where thousands had
gathered to greet the prisoners, pointed out that Sunday's group was
"very unlike" the first round of released prisoners.

"That batch was released after very, very difficult negotiations
[with Hamas]. This was a list picked by the Israelis," said Perry.

'Great achievement'

The prisoners that Israel freed in the first round included dozens
of fighters serving life sentences for involvement in deadly attacks.
Their releases set off ecstatic celebration in the Palestinian
territories, particularly Hamas' Gaza stronghold.

In Gaza, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said the movement welcomed the
release of all prisoners, regardless of their political affiliation.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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