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Bahrain opposition urges talks

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

1Bahrain opposition urges talks Empty Bahrain opposition urges talks 2011-12-19, 7:24 pm



Bahrain opposition groups have urged the government to embark on
"serious" dialogue to end the Gulf kingdom's crisis, condemning a harsh
crackdown on sporadic but defiant Shiite protests.

In a statement late Sunday five opposition groups, led by the main
Shiite formation, Al-Wefaq, said the regime of the Sunni-led government
should launch political reforms to get the small nation out of political
deadlock following the harsh clampdown in March on a month-long
pro-democracy protest.

The groups said they were in favour of "opening a serious dialogue
with the regime to exit the current political crisis that is inflicting
heavy losses on the country and people."

Following a meeting on Sunday, they said the dialogue should be
focused on "implementing drastic and comprehensive political and
constitutional reforms," dismissing the outcome of a national dialogue
called for by King Hamad which they said excluded the opposition.

"It is not acceptable to talk about the outcome of the so-called
'national dialogue' as a suitable foundation for the wanted reforms
because it is void of any real constitutional and political reforms" the
statement said.

The groups include the Arab nationalist and leftist Waed party, whose
Sunni leader Ibrahim Sharif remains in prison since the crackdown on
protests and has been convicted along with other leading opponents of
plotting to overthrow the regime.

The opposition groups also condemned the recent heavy-handed response
to small protests breaking out in villages of the Shiite majority.

"We strongly condemn the campaign of collective oppression and
terrorism practised by security forces against peaceful demonstrators,"
the statement said.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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