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Obama criticizes Venezuela's ties to Iran, Cuba

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — President Barack Obama's sharp criticisms
of Venezuela's human rights record and its ties to Iran are heightening
tensions with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who on Monday responded
by calling Obama a "clown" and telling him to mind his own business.
appeared to stiffen his stance toward Chavez in his remarks, which were
published Monday by the Venezuelan newspaper El Universal. Some of
Obama's Republican opponents have also been strongly critical of Chavez,
and analysts expect the Venezuelan president could become a popular
target of criticism as American politicians feud over foreign policy
ahead of next year's U.S. presidential election.
While Washington
has long criticized Chavez, Obama's remarks were some of his hardest to
date. He pointedly raised concerns about what he described as threats to
democracy in Venezuela.
"We're concerned about the government's
actions, which have restricted the universal rights of the Venezuelan
people, threatened basic democratic values and failed to contribute to
the security in the region," Obama said in written responses to
questions from the newspaper.
Chavez wasted little no time in
responding. He said on state television, "Mr. Obama came out, attacking
us, but that's not out of the ordinary for us."
The Venezuelan
leader added, "Obama, take care of your own business, focus on governing
your country, which you've turned into a disaster. Leave us alone."
Tinker Salas, a Latin American studies professor at Pomona College in
Claremont, California, said he expects more of such talk in 2012.
see Venezuela coming into the sphere of American politics during the
election year," Tinker Salas said. "Once the candidates turn their
attention to foreign policy, I could see Venezuela being manipulated
into becoming an issue even when there are more pressing issues in the
region such as the drug war in Mexico."
Like Obama, Chavez is up for re-election next year as he seeks to extend his 13-year presidency in the October vote.
Without mentioning Chavez, Obama also referred to a need for fair elections in the region.
Venezuela, we have been deeply concerned to see action taken to
restrict the freedom of the press, and to erode the separation of powers
that is necessary for democracy to thrive," Obama said. "In all
countries of the region, we want to see elections that are free and
Obama added that "it's unfortunate that the Venezuelan
government is often more interested in revisiting the ideological
battles of the past than looking forward to the future."
told El Universal he hopes to eventually have a better relationship with
Venezuela: "I look forward to the day when our governments can work
more closely to advance the aspirations of our people."
Chavez has repeatedly accused the U.S. of trying to meddle in Venezuela's affairs and even to overthrow him.
leftist leader has crusaded against U.S. influence in Latin America and
has built close ties to other antagonists of Washington around the
globe such as Libya and Iran. U.S. officials have expressed particular
concern at Chavez's growing ties with Iran, and also have said Venezuela
isn't doing enough to combat terrorism or drug trafficking.
his statements, Obama said the U.S. government doesn't intend to dictate
how Venezuela should handle its international affairs but said, "I
would argue, however, that the Venezuelan government's ties to Iran and
Cuba have not served the interests of Venezuela or the Venezuelan
Obama reiterated U.S. concerns about Iran's nuclear program and allegations that Iran's government supports terrorism.
it is up to the Venezuelan people to determine what they gain from a
relationship with a country that violates universal human rights and is
isolated from much of the world," Obama said. "Here in the Americas, we
take Iranian activities, including in Venezuela, very seriously and we
will continue to monitor them closely."

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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