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'Banks and wives’ pushing Emiratis into debt trap

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



DUBAI: Banks and wives are responsible for pushing Emiratis into buying
things they don’t need, resulting in 70 percent of locals living under
the shadow of debt, lawyer Isa Bin Haider said this week.

Haidar made these comments during the broadcast program Rouh Al Qanoon
(Spirit of the law), aired by Noor Dubai Radio, where the he discussed
in his programme ‘financial issues pending before the courts.’

pointed to a study by Abdul-Aziz Al Hamadi, which confirmed that 70
percent of Emiratis are immersed in debts for reasons related to the
desire to acquire luxury goods and the lack of financial planning.

added: “The study has implicated the banks and wives - the banks entice
people and push them into debt, as well as some wives, especially those
who are obsessed about appearances. They force their husbands to buy
accessories, cars and trips abroad without a real need for those things,
which reflect negatively on family expenses and then drown it in a sea
of debt,” he said.

According to him, vanity, consumerism and lack
of financial planning are the biggest reasons behind 70 percent of
locals being immersed in debt. He also referenced the study conducted by
the family adviser Itedal Al Shamsi, in which she revealed that some
such wives were wearing shoes priced at AED30,000, and used makeup worth

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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