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US has found 5,000 missiles in Libya

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



US experts sent
to Libya to recover weapons left over by the regime of fallen leader
Moamer Kadhafi have found about 5,000 surface-to-air missiles, the State
Department said Friday.

The exact number is difficult to say, said spokesman Mark Toner, as
there is no actual inventory and a number were destroyed in NATO air
strikes this year.

"We support the Libyan government as it works on this... to disarm,
demobilize, and reintegrate the militias. It's clearly a high priority
for them," Toner said.

The State Department was still trying to evaluate how many missiles
existed in the north African nation, which can pose a danger to civilian
aircraft, Toner said.

But he refused to confirm rumors that the United States was seeking
to buy back some of the weapons which might have been looted from open
stockpiles in the chaos of the unrest which toppled Kadhafi earlier this

"I just would say that as we deal with the challenge of destroying
(such missiles) MANPADS, we are looking at a variety of methods, "he

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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