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UPDATE 1-Qatar T-bills to start trading on exchange

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



Adds analysis, background)
DUBAI, Dec 26 (Reuters) - Qatar has completed

procedures to list government debt instruments for trade on its

securities exchange, aiming to stimulate investment in them by

commercial banks and other institutions, the central bank said

on Monday.

Trade in short-term Qatari Treasury bills will begin on the

Qatar Exchange this Thursday, central bank governor Sheikh

Abdullah bin Saud al-Thani said in a statement, with trade in

government bonds and sukuk (Islamic bonds) to start "at a later


Listing Qatari government bills and bonds on an exchange,

rather than limiting trade to opaque over-the-counter dealings

between banks, could make their secondary market prices more

transparent and stable, increasing trading activity.

A more active debt market could in turn encourage companies

to issue more bonds, reducing their reliance on bank lending,

which has been hurt even in the wealthy Gulf region by jitters

over the euro zone debt crisis.

"The secondary market in bonds will encourage companies to

issue debt instruments and will boost liquidity on the stock

market of Qatar," the central bank statement said.

Since May the central bank in Qatar, the world's largest

natural gas exporter, has been issuing about 2 billion riyals

($550 million) worth of T-bills monthly with maturities ranging

from three to nine months, to drain excess funds from the

banking system and help create a domestic yield curve. Qatari

banks held about 8 billion riyals of T-bills at the end of


Qatar has been preparing steps to deepen its debt market for

many months, but has proceeded cautiously. In March, the Qatar

Exchange's chief executive Andre Went said the bourse was

considering whether to allow trading of bonds by the second

quarter of this year, and would start with trading of government

debt before slowly moving to corporate bonds.

(Editing by Andrew Torchia)

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