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N. Korea military pledges support for new leader

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



North Korea's powerful military has held a mass rally to pledge
loyalty to the country's new chief Kim Jong-Un, vowing to become "rifles
and bombs" to protect him, official media said Tuesday.
The North also announced a rare amnesty for prisoners as the untested young leader tries to build support.
members promised to "become rifles and bombs to serve as Kim Jong-Un
first-line lifeguards and Kim Jong-Un first-line death-defying corps",
the official KCNA news agency said.
The regime moved quickly to
proclaim Jong-Un, aged in his late 20s, as its new chief after the
sudden death of his father and supreme leader Kim Jong-Il on December
It has appointed the son, who is ranked a general but has no
known active military experience, supreme commander of the 1.2
million-strong military.
On Sunday state media showed Jong-Un
driving a tank and giving orders to artillery, navy and air force units,
in an apparent attempt to bolster his credentials with the world's
fourth-largest armed forces.
KCNA said armed forces chief Ri
Yong-Ho read the pledge of loyalty to Jong-Un at Monday's rally in
Pyongyang of the three branches of the military, which ended with a
march past.
The message pledged to "wipe out the enemies to the
last one if they intrude into the inviolable sky, land and seas of the
country even 0.001 mm", it said.
The rally paid tribute to the
"unswerving Songun will" of the new leader, a reference to an army-first
policy which prioritises their welfare over civilians in a country hit
by severe food shortages.
The North separately announced an amnesty for prisoners to mark the upcoming birth anniversaries of its late leaders.
said the amnesty -- the first since 2005, according to South Korea's
unification ministry -- would apply to "convicts" but did not give
numbers or elaborate on who would benefit.
Rights groups say more
than 200,000 men, women and children are held in prisons and labour
camps, mostly for political and not criminal reasons.
The 70th
anniversary of the birth of Kim Jong-Il is on February 16. The 100th
anniversary of the birth of Kim's father and founding president Kim
Il-Sung falls on April 15.
The news agency said the decision embodies "the "noble, benevolent and all-embracing politics" of the late Kims.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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