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Mubarak era tycoon to be retried for diva's murder

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



Egyptian tycoon
Hisham Talaat Moustafa, who was jailed in 2010 for the murder of a
Lebanese pop singer, will be retried next month as sought by prosecutors
who complained his 15-year sentence was too lenient, a court said

The Supreme Egyptian Criminal Court decided that it would begin the
new trial of Moustafa for the murder of singer and former lover Suzanne
Tamim from February 6, an AFP correspondent reported.

In May 2009, Moustafa, an associate of ousted president Hosni
Mubarak's son Gamal who also sat on the policies committee of the former
ruling National Democratic Party, was sentenced to death.

A year later an appeals court overturned the conviction on procedural
grounds and ordered a retrial. In September 2010, Moustafa was
sentenced to 15 years in jail.

But in November that year the prosecution complained the sentence was "too lenient" and demanded Moustafa be tried again.

Also to be retried in the case is Mohsen al-Sukkari, an associate of
Moustafa who was sentenced to 25 years for the murder of Tamim, who was
killed in July 2008 at her Dubai apartment.

At the first trial, Moustafa was accused of having paid Sukkari, a
former policeman, two million dollars (1.5 million euros) to cut Tamim's

The death sentence shocked Egypt, particularly since it targeted a
prominent businessman who was close to Gamal Mubarak, who had been
expected to succeed his father before the regime was toppled in an
uprising last year.

Hosni Mubarak is now himself on trial for corruption with his two
sons, Gamal and Alaa, and separately for the killings of hundreds of
protesters who took part in demonstrations against his regime.

The veteran leader's trial, which started in August, resumes on Tuesday when the defence team is due to make its case.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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