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STOCKS NEWS MIDEAST-Egypt surges on parliament opening, telcos up

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



1110 GMT - Egypt's main index surges in early

trade, buoyed by the opening on Monday of Egypt's first freely

elected parliament in 60 years.

All but one stock gain on the main index, which rises 2.6

percent to 4,117 points.

"Yesterday was the first session for the elected parliament.

This is positive political news," says Abdalla Hassan of Osool

Brokerage. "If the anniversary of the 25th of January revolution

passes peacefully, the market will rise again because most

Egyptian stocks are undervalued now."

Activists plan protests throughout Egypt on Wednesday to

mark the first anniversary of the revolution that overthrew

Hosni Mubarak. Many demonstrators will demand that Egypt's

military rulers hand over power to parliament immediately.

Orascom Telecom (OT) is the main gainer, soaring

9.8 percent on its third day of trade after an eight-week

suspension while it spun off businessman Naguib Sawiris's

assets. Traders also say investors expect OT will soon resolve

its dispute with the Algerian government over its Djezzy unit.

Telecom Egypt rises 3.6 percent. Al-Alam al-Youm

newspaper cited the firm's chief executive on Tuesday as saying

it had applied to the telecoms regulator for a Mobile Virtual

Network Operator (MVNO) licence and was considering expanding

into neighbouring markets.

Telecom Egypt officials were not immediately available for


"Telecom Egypt is a very promising stock with good

financials and dividends. It is at least 15 percent undervalued

in price," Hassan says.

Orascom Construction Industries (OCI) rises 2.8

percent. UBS cut OCI's price target to 257 Egyptian pounds from

265 pounds with a "neutral" rating.

Alexandria Mineral Oils inches down 0.1 percent.


1025 GMT - Kuwait's bourse makes its largest one-day gain

since September and hits a five-week high as investor sentiment

improves ahead of parliamentary elections.

The index climbs 0.6 percent to 5,821 points, its

highest closing level since Dec. 20.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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