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Demi Moore seeks help for exhaustion, health issues

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ANGELES (Reuters) - Actress Demi Moore is seeking professional help to
treat "exhaustion" and "overall health" issues, her spokeswoman said on
Tuesday, following her split late last year from husband of six years,
Ashton Kutcher.

"Because of the stresses in her life right now, Demi has chosen to
seek professional assistance to treat her exhaustion and improve her
overall health. She looks forward to getting well and is grateful for
the support of her family and friends," Moore's spokeswoman said in a
statement to Reuters.

The statement follows media reports that Moore was rushed to hospital
on Monday night after paramedics were called to her Los Angeles home.
Celebrity news website cited substance abuse as the cause, but
that could not be confirmed.

Moore's representatives declined any further comment beyond the written statement.

"Ghost" star Moore, 49, filed for divorce from 33-year-old "Two and A
Half Men" actor Kutcher in November 2011, after a San Diego woman went
public about a brief fling she had with Kutcher.

(Reporting By Piya Sinha-Roy, Editing by Bob Tourtellotte)

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