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[google] Charles Dickens

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

1[google] Charles Dickens Empty [google] Charles Dickens 2012-02-06, 7:17 pm



[google] Charles Dickens PRdickens1

Charles Dickens was
many things: a masterful storyteller, an ardent social campaigner and a
political journalist. But he's unlikely to ever be a feminist icon.A quote in Dickens' Women by
Miriam Margolyes stops you short. In a letter to a friend in 1842,
Dickens says with impassive cruelty of his wife: "Catherine is as near
being a donkey as one of her sex can be."

Margolyes believes that Dickens terrified
and depressed his wife and she is forthright about the writer's mental
cruelty. He could not depict a mature sexual and emotional female
partner for his heroes, she argues, because "his own relations with
women were all damaged, incomplete or destructive."

This gave him a well of poisonous feelings to draw upon. "I think Miss Havisham was Dickens himself," Margolyes observes

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