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Santorum surging in Republican presidential race

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



Rick Santorum's drive to capture the Republican
presidential nomination gained momentum as he surged to the front of the
field in national polls and extended his lead over Mitt Romney in his
rival's native Michigan.
But Romney's supporters were just rolling
out the big guns -- massive spending on television and radio ads --
that drove previous poorly funded challengers from the field in key
states like Florida and Iowa.
Michigan, where Romney was born and
raised, is looming as a crucial, must-win state for the candidate, who
has struggled to convince Republicans he is the man to go up against
President Barack Obama in November elections.
"I am a son of
Detroit," Romney proclaimed in an op-ed piece published Tuesday in the
Detroit News ahead of the February 28 primary vote. A new television ad
also touted him as a hometown boy.
But national polls showed
Santorum surging ahead of longtime frontrunner Romney and the ground
shifting rapidly against the former Massachusetts governor since he lost
three state nominating contests to the former Pennsylvania senator last
All four remaining Republican candidates -- Santorum,
Romney, Texas congressman Ron Paul and former House speaker Newt
Gingrich -- have agreed to take part in a CNN-hosted debate in Arizona
on February 22, less than a week before the primary there and in
Romney, whose father was once the state's governor and
head of a now defunct auto company, used his op-ed to attack Obama's
bailout of the auto industry as "crony capitalism on a grand scale."
"The indisputable good news is that Chrysler and General Motors are
still in business. The equally indisputable bad news is that all the
defects in President Obama's management of the American are evident in
what he did.
"Instead of doing the right thing and standing up to union bosses, Obama rewarded them," Romney wrote.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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