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Clashes in Bahrain ahead of crackdown report

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Clashes in Bahrain ahead of crackdown report Three_cols

A Bahraini army tank blocks a road in Manama, March
2011. Bahraini police clashed with protesters in at least two Shiite
villages as tensions escalated ahead of the release of a report on
government misconduct during a protest crackdown.(AFP/File/Joseph Eid)


MANAMA (AFP) - Bahraini police clashed with protesters in at
least two Shiite villages as tensions escalated ahead of Wednesday's
release of a report on government misconduct during a protest crackdown,
activists said.

Early morning protests erupted in village of
Aali on the outskirts of the capital Manama, where rights activists and
an AFP correspondent said police used tear gas and rubber bullets to
disperse demonstrators.

A Bahraini man was killed when his car crashed into a wall as police confronted the protesters, according to the activists.

saw the police attack. There were a few dozen protesters shouting and
chanting. The police attacked them with tear gas, rubber bullets, and
sound bombs," said Mohammed Maskati, head of the Bahraini Youth Society
for Human Rights.

Nabil Rajab, a Shiite rights and opposition
activist said the victim, Abdelnabi Kadhim, was "apparently not
protesting. He was in his car when then police chased after him."

an online tweet, the interior ministry said a man died in a traffic
accident in Aali, adding an investigation was underway. The tweet made
no mention of police involvement.

An AFP correspondent in Aali
said dozens of men and women chanted "Hamad must fall," referring to the
Sunni king whose family has ruled the Shiite-majority kingdom for some
250 years.

The smell of tear gas wafted through the air and the
streets were littered with empty tear gas canisters and sandals,
abandoned by protesters as they fled the police.

Clashes also
erupted in the Shiite island of Sitra where mourners protested the
November 19 death of a 16-year-old boy killed after being struck by a
police car.

The police at the time said the boy's death was an accident after a police car lost control and struck him.

clashes occurred just hours before the much-anticipated release of a
report by the Independent Commission of Inquiry, which was commissioned
by the king to investigate allegations of human rights abuses in the
bloody crackdown in February and March on anti-government protesters.

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