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7 Signs that You are Over-Working

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]


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There are times in life when our aspirations tend to transcend the limits of the body.

Such a high degree of dedication often comes at the expense of overworking. Thus, If you are experiencing any of these issues then you are bargaining with your life. Here are 7 signs that you might be overworking.
Ignoring the family

You must confess that irrespective of what position you are working in, the objective is to make a handsome living for the family. Thus, it is vital that you must not refrain from participating in family issues in a bid to excel in career. If you fail to spend ample of time with the family; over working is the main reason for it. You should look out for the following symptoms too:

1. Avoiding shopping/movies.

2. Not being able to help the kids for Homework.

3. Romance is elusive in your life.

4. Not anchoring for responsibilities.

Excessive smoking and drinking

“Smoking a cigarette will make you regret”. This may be a mere platitude, but if an inclination towards smoking and drinking is increasing manifold in order to de-stress yourself then it may not be a wise decision. It is gratuitous to ignore your health to make a dream career. Your health must hold paramount importance. Any lapses in this department may prove to be catastrophic.
Sleep Deprivation

This is the most common sign of over-working. If you happen to be excessively stressed, then insomnia is inevitable. At times, sleep deprivation can lead to a nervous breakdown. Such an issue is of grave concern, which can hold your burgeoning career hostage. It is best to avoid such circumstances where one has to take a capsule to put the mind and soul to rest.

Prolonged sickness

If you happen to suffer from lasting body ache or perennial cold, then there are chances that you are going overboard with your work. This can create carnage in your healthy life. By going on a vacation, you can rejuvenate and replenish your body.

Committing silly mistakes

One often tends to become negligent in other areas of life when he becomes too serious in work. It is critical not to capitulate under such circumstances as they can prove to be costly. Do not let work govern your moves in life. This will cause one too many faux pas.

Getting Angry and frustrated

If you're getting petulant and irascible, it could be due to the heavy work load. It is essential to keep yourself free from any work trauma as this creates a lot of friction with other members in the family. It can fetter the relationships in the long run.

Copious caffeine intake

If you're drinking close to about a dozen cups of coffee or red bull, then it is high time you start hitting the Gym. The body cannot afford such an addiction as it reduces sleep and causes insomnia.

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