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How to pretend that you are working hard in office?

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اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]




If you are working for a boss who equates performance with how
busy an employee appears or if you are working a company that rewards
only workaholics, you are bound to come across a moment when pretending
to look busy is the only way to guard your self-interest.

might sound like a manipulative thing to do but it is an accepted part
of contemporary organizational culture and something you should have as a
part of your office arsenal.

Get Cluttered For Your Own Sake

to keep your desk cluttered. This might make you look unorganized but
it will also help to establish the illusion of you being occupied with
loads of work. Use every possible resource for achieving this, including
your mobile, laptop, documents, files, folders, diaries, calendar,
cups, previous reports and dictionary. This also helps in preventing
your acquaintances in questioning the kind of work you are doing since
they would fear you might seek their help in something that already
looks so messy!

Gain From View-Blocking Stance

to maneuver your PC in such a way that the screen is visible to others
to the least possible degree. Ensure not doing this if a senior has
expressed a serious concern over this. Even then you can position the
monitor in such a manner that the view of others is hindered to the

Sometimes Looking Distant Helps

You might
be famous in your office as the joke-cracking, rib-tickling, jovial guy
but sometimes looking serious can help. Try to use a facial expression
that denotes an aura of being highly engaged, as if your work has
consumed you—looking unavailable here will help. You can try tapping
your fingers on the desk or the chair’s arm-rest. This is a typical sign
of someone getting impatient or irritated with work.

Sigh to Elevate Your Degree of Involvement

slowly and exhaling deeply with some force or Sighing comes naturally
to most of us. It is regarded as a definitive indicator of letting-go of
stress or just having gotten over something that was really demanding.
Do this every two hours or so, to make everybody around you feel that
you are taking some serious pains to wrap-up your day’s work.

Play The Curious Fool To Make Others Dance To Your Tune

way of keeping yourself awake at the office, making yourself look
genuinely busy and ensuring that no one can decode your hidden agenda is
to keep engaging the attention of others without actually working. You
can do this by repeatedly asking your team-members vague, obvious
questions. At most, your colleagues will excuse you for having a bad,
forgetful day at work.

Fool-Proof Your Idling Cover

that you create the perfect illusion of being occupied with work. You
can do this by constantly making keyboard sounds. Move around your mouse
a lot. If you are wearing a tie, loosen it a bit and ruffle your hair
slightly to appear like someone who is totally lost in work. Remain
hunched over the keyboard to appear occupied.

Don’t Forget Taking Regular Breaks

breaks signifies that you are slightly tired and need to refresh your
senses. Not indulging in your regular tea, coffee or smoking break can
create suspicion about your status.

Ensure Your Create Some Noise About Your Workload

reinforcing the perception that you have been kept busy primarily due
to a demanding workload. You can grumble about work not being
distributed evenly or crib about you being singled out for working on
harder tasks. (Work Life,

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