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Japanese PM Noda to support Tokyo 2020 Olympic bid

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]




TOKYO (AP) — Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda will
serve as a top adviser to a panel supporting Tokyo's bid to host the
2020 Summer Olympics.

Japanese Olympic Committee President
Tsunekazu Takeda said Thursday that Noda was asked to assume the post
and for the government to give its full support to the bid.

accepted the request and was quoted by Takeda as saying, "Let us do our
best to make this bid a success," Kyodo new agency reported.

which campaigned for the 2016 Olympics but lost out to Rio de Janeiro,
is up against Doha, Qatar; Istanbul, Turkey; Madrid; and Rome. The
candidate cities will submit their plans for the games to the
International Olympic Committee by February next year and the IOC will
select the host city in Sept. 2013.

The panel will support Tokyo's 2020 bid committee, which is headed by Takeda.

its bid to land the 2016 Games, Tokyo had an estimated $176 million
budget but the bid suffered from a lack of public support and was
eliminated in the second round of voting.

Tokyo is promoting its
2020 bid to be a symbol of Japan's recovery from the March 11 earthquake
and tsunami that left nearly 20,000 people dead or missing on Japan's
northeast coast.

The JOC has said if Tokyo wins the right to host
the 2020 games, regions affected by the earthquake, tsunami and the
ensuing nuclear crises, could host some events such as soccer.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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