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Bank of America and 2 Stocks Leading the DJIA Rally

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Bank of America and 2 Stocks Leading the DJIA Rally


Bank of America and 2 Stocks Leading the DJIA Rally T?s=bac&lang=en-US&region=us
Bank of America and 2 Stocks Leading the DJIA Rally T?s=dia&lang=en-US&region=us
Bank of America and 2 Stocks Leading the DJIA Rally T?s=ge&lang=en-US&region=us
Bank of America and 2 Stocks Leading the DJIA Rally T?s=jpm&lang=en-US&region=us

Dow Jones Industrial Average is up today by 1.19% and stands at 12,162.
The large stocks below are among the positive performers today.
Bank of America : Today is the day of financial stocks, while consumer
staples are languishing. Bank of America was up nicely pre-market, and
remains high for the day. Over the longer haul, Bank of America has sold
a lot of its equity in order to stay afloat. BAC shares recently traded
at $5.84, up $0.2, or 3.55%. They have traded in a 52-week range of
$5.03 to $15.31. Volume today was 197,800,048 shares versus a 3-month
average volume of 271,308,000 shares. The company’s trailing earnings
are $-0.31 per share.
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JPMorgan and Chase JP Morgan’s stock price rises in the past week have
been remarkably consistent. The stock is still well below its October
levels. JPM shares recently traded at $33.50, up $1.17, or 3.62%. They
have traded in a 52-week range of $27.85 to $48.36. Volume today was
34,256,667 shares versus a 3-month average volume of 47,281,100 shares.
The company’s trailing P/E is 7.14, while trailing earnings are $4.69
per share.
General Electric : Arne Alsin of Alsin Capital
Management has provided some interesting food for thought about General
Electric. “You simply can’t find a historical precedent to this
situation…The factors that served to depress GE earnings to subnormal
levels – such as the capital overhaul and business reconfiguration at GE
Capital – are fading remarkably fast.” If true, this can only bode well
for the beleaguered American economy. GE shares recently traded at
$16.33, up $0.24, or 1.49%. They have traded in a 52-week range of
$14.02 to $21.65. Volume today was 39,638,273 shares versus a 3-month
average volume of 70,967,200 shares. The company’s trailing P/E is
12.49, while trailing earnings are $1.31 per share.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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