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Exclusive: China to create $300 billion FX investment vehicle

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  • Exclusive: China to create $300 billion FX investment vehicle 2011-12-09T122908Z_1_BTRE7B80YOR00_RTROPTP_2_BUSINESS-US-CHINA-PBOC-INVESTMENTSEnlarge PhotoChinese yuan notes are counted inside a bank in Taiwan

(Reuters) - China's central bank plans to create a new vehicle to
manage investment funds worth a total of $300 billion to improve returns
on the world's largest stockpile of foreign exchange reserves, a source
with knowledge of the matter told Reuters.

The vehicle, which was planned well before the start of Europe's debt
crisis and is aimed at improving returns on China's foreign exchange
reserves, would operate two funds, one targeting investments in the
United States and the other focused on Europe, said the source, who
asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the matter.

The vehicle's goal is to make more aggressive overseas investments
for higher returns, said the source along with a second, independent
source, who also declined to be named.

Details of the venture are still under discussion, but key personnel
for managing the venture have been agreed upon, the sources said.

The investment vehicle would be affiliated with China's State
Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), the part of the central bank
in charge of the daily management of China's $3.2 trillion in foreign
exchange reserves.

One of the funds would be named Hua Mei, or China-US, for investments
in the United States, and the other is named Hua Ou, or China-Europe,
for investments in European markets.

The style of the funds will be similar to the low-key Hong Kong-based
Hua An, also known in English as SAFE Investment Company Ltd, said the
source, through which SAFE has purchased stocks in dozens of overseas
listed companies.

The People's Bank of China, the central bank, was not immediately available for comment.

China's leaders have said recently that they will seek investments in
the real economies of the United States and Europe, apart from their
routine investments in government debt.

The second source said the new venture would likely be based in Shanghai and may also sell yuan bonds in the domestic market.

"The company will issue yuan bonds," the source said. "Then it can
use the yuan to buy foreign currency from the central bank or even
commercial banks for overseas investment."

When China created the China Investment Corp (CIC), the country's
sovereign wealth fund, in 2007, China's Ministry of Finance issued 1.55
trillion yuan special yuan bonds to swap yuan for $200 billion worth of
foreign currency from SAFE as the initial batch of funds for CIC to

A similar arrangement is expected for the new vehicle.

CIC, which operates independently of the central bank, recorded a
11.7 percent investment return in 2010. It has been applying for new
funds from SAFE as it has developed its portfolio.

In a public speech in April 2011, Chinese central bank governor Zhou
Xiaochuan said that China may set up new ventures to manage its foreign
exchange reserves.

"Don't put all your eggs in one basket," Zhou said. "One option is to
create some new ventures to try new investment styles and fields."

(Reporting by Beijing Newsroom; Editing by Don Durfee)

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