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Olympus to issue $1.3 billion in new capital: report

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



TOKYO (Reuters) - Olympus Corp is preparing to issue about $1.28
billion (100 billion yen) in new shares to bolster its depleted
finances, with Japanese high-tech stalwarts Sony and Fujifilm seen as
possible buyers, the Nikkei business daily reported.

The report comes after a warning from one of the camera and endoscope
maker's leading shareholders that the scandal-tainted board may try to
retain control by issuing new shares to dilute the power of existing

Olympus shares surged by their daily limit on Tuesday, after falling
for four straight sessions on worries about how capital-raising may
dilute existing shareholdings, with investors seeming to shift their
focus to the firm's finances.

"Some people are obviously seeing that this will add to its net
assets and contribute to the financial health of the company and
increase the value of the company," said Masayoshi Okamoto, head of
dealing at Jujiya Securities.

Olympus last week announced restated accounts for the past five years
as it struggles to sort out a $1.7 billion accounting scandal dating
back to the 1990s, whittling its net assets down to just 45.9 billion
yen ($588.9 million).

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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