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Saudi Telecom raise stake in UAE media firm Intigral

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



DUBAI, Dec 14 (Reuters) - Saudi Telecom Co

(STC) has bought a further 20 percent stake in United Arab

Emirates digital media firm Intigral for 90 million riyals ($24

million), the telecoms operator said on Wednesday.

The deal will raise STC's stake in Intigral to 71 percent,

with the operator funding the purchase through its own reserves.

"The move is consistent with the strategy to focus on

providing content services that are important to many of its

customers," STC said in a statement posted on the Saudi bourse


Intigral provides content on mobile phones, television and

the Internet for telecoms operators and Internet service


($1 = 3.7505 Saudi riyals)

(Reporting by Martina Fuchs and Matt Smith; Editing by Firouz


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