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UPDATE 2-Emaar draws on Dubai Mall to raise $1 bln

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



* Facility backed by Dubai Mall - statement

* Favourable rate secured in difficult funding environment

(Adds quotes, further background)

By David French

DUBAI, DEC 19 - Dubai's Emaar Properties, the

emirate's largest real estate developer, has put up its crown

jewel asset -- Dubai Mall -- to secure $1 billion of lending to

help refinance upcoming debt amid difficult funding conditions.

The two-tranche facility, which consists of both

sharia-compliant and conventional funding, is split between a

five-year tranche and an eight-year amortising loan and is

backed by its mammoth Dubai Mall, the company said in a

statement on Monday.

Dubai Islamic Bank, National Bank of Abu Dhabi

and Standard Chartered are providing the

finance, which carries a margin of 350 basis points and will be

initially used to repay an existing $300 million facility taken

out in 2010, Emaar said.

"These days no one will lend without a collateral and

borrowing costs are going up," said an Abu Dhabi-based real

estate analyst, who did not wish to be identified. "They are

getting a favourable rate as they put this asset as collateral."

Dubai Mall, one of the world's largest malls, with an indoor

Olympic-sized ice skating rink and a two-storey high aquarium,

was the last debt-free asset which Emaar had on its books, the

analyst added.

The use of the mall was the key behind getting the deal

done, a banker with knowledge of proceedings said.

"Emaar is a strong credit, and Dubai Mall is its crown

jewel," he said. "There's so much cash coming out of it, which

provides the whole rationale for the deal."

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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