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Bahraini forces fire tear gas on Shiite protesters

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



Bahraini security forces on Sunday dispersed several hundred Shiite
demonstrators who gathered outside the capital Manama for the fourth day
in a row, an AFP correspondent said.

Riot police stormed a roundabout on the Budaiya highway where men and
women had gathered and chanted slogans against the government of the
Sunni-ruled kingdom.

On Thursday, female blogger Zainab al-Khawaja was roughed up,
handcuffed and dragged off into custody from the same roundabout for
refusing to end a sit-in.

Police fired tear gas on Sunday before they used batons to chase demonstrators out of the area.

Shiite youth groups had called for a series of consecutive protests
on the highway which links Shiite villages with Manama's former Pearl
Square, the focal point of a month-long pro-democracy uprising that was
crushed in March.

The crackdown comes even after Bahrain's government promised reforms
following the publication last month of a highly critical report into
the protests in February and March.

The report said the death toll from the crackdown on the Shiite-led
pro-democracy protests had reached 35, and that police had used
"excessive force" and tortured detainees.

Police vehicles are still deployed at the roundabout and patrol the area.

Before police arrived, young men brandishing the red-and-white
Bahraini flags and women in the traditional black abaya cloaks stood
defiantly insisting that their movement was peaceful.

"I am a Bahraini citizen. It is my right to work in the army or the
public sector. I would protect this homeland more than the foreign"
recruits, said Mohammed Mulla Ahmed Ali, 19, who carried a Bahraini

"We want to feel like citizens," he said, showing the scars of a deep
cut in his stomach and birdshot pellets on his chest, saying he was
struck on March 16 during the crackdown.

The marketing student said he was suspended from university, like
many Shiites who faced suspension from schools or were fired from jobs
for taking part in demonstrations. He also was in jail for three months.

Hawraa al-Halawati, 28, a female architect who also lost her job
after three years as a public servant echoed protesters' demands for a
change of the government, led by King Hamad's uncle Prince Khalifa bin
Salman Al-Khalifa.

"We don't want this government. They sacked us from our jobs... There is no freedom of expression," she told AFP.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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