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RPT-UPDATE 1-Turkey's Albaraka postpones sukuk issue 2012

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



(Repeats to additional subscribers)

ISTANBUL, Dec 15 (Reuters) - The Turkish unit of

Bahrain's Albaraka Banking Group said on Thursday it

had postponed a planned issue of Islamic bonds, saying the

yields investors expected were too high.

"Because of the negative environment in

international markets the yields international investors are

seeking are not matching with our expectation," the Islamic

lender said, adding that demand was very good.

Albaraka said on Dec. 11 that it hoped to raise $200 million

in an Islamic bond by the end of this week, citing interest from

investors in Asia and the Gulf.

Turkish unit Albaraka Turk Katilim Bankasi had

mandated Deutsche Bank, Emirates NBD, Noor

Islamic Bank and QInvest last month for the sukuk issue.

(Reporting by Seda Sezer)

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