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Dressing tips to make you look thinner

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If you happen to put on oodles of weight since its winter and
have friends thinking you’re a fashion disaster, then don't feel low
about it.

While the best way to look smart is to hit the gym and
get back in shape, busy schedules tend to play the spoiler each time.
Therefore, you can be a bit selective while choosing your attire and,
thus, camouflage that unsightly weight gain.

Avoid tight clothes

is vital to ensure that you are not geared up in tight clothes. You
surely don't want to project yourself as a colorful bulldozer. The lumps
and bumps will only catch undue attraction or rather distraction. The
last thing that you would want is people to be scared of your prodigious
body. Tighter clothes will only highlight the flab instead of making you look fab.

Solid colors

If bright and loud colors
are your favorite, then it is essential to get rid of them as soon as
possible. The bolder colors will make you look like tomato or potato.
That is the last thing you would want. It is advisable to wear vertical
lines and solid colors as they can mask all the extra flab really well.
The long silhouettes in jackets and coats can ameliorate your dressing
sense significantly.

Avoid low-waist jeans

Since you have a bulkier frame, it is obvious that your derriere must also be significantly heavy. It is essential that your tight jeans
or trousers do not scream, “I've big Buttocks”. Therefore, fashion
gurus recommend wearing low rise bottoms as they fit at your waist line
and make you look sober.

Keep your pockets light

probably be carrying loads of your own weight so why would you want to
exacerbate by carrying more weight in your pockets. You should refrain
from carrying stuff in your pockets which can make you look baggy.

Avoid bulky and double-buttoned blazers

It is in best interests to forbear from sporting double-buttoned blazers
as they can make you look enormous. Anything which appears heavy should
be renounced. It will help eclipse all that fat in your body. It is
also pivotal to keep your posture straight.

However, irrespective
of what you sport, it is essential to carry it well. You must remain
confident and be positive of what you wear. (Fashion,

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