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I learnt how to make rotis, Indian curries: Andrew Symonds

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



New Delhi, Dec
18 (IANS) Australian all-rounder Andrew Symonds, who has come out of the
'Bigg Boss' house, says he had a satisfying stay in the house and
learnt how to make rotis and Indian curries during his 11-day stay.

'Stay was very good and sort of satisfying. I made a couple of new
friends in Siddharth Bharadwaj, Mahek Chahal and Shonali Nagrani. I
learnt plenty of things like Indian style cooking, curries and spices. I
learnt how to make rotis. Had a great experience living with Indian
people and learnt how sensitive and passionate they are,' he said.

'I have learnt how important is your family, friends and simple
things in life that we take for granted. It has made me appreciate what I
have got,' he added.

Talking about Pooja Missra, who re-entered the house as Symonds'
interpreter after her eviction earlier, Symonds said she didn't use her
second stint in the right way.

'She had the opportunity to go back inside the house and rectify an
awkward situation, but the way she chose to go about it was not
sensible. I didn't want to cause any damage, but it is time for the
truth. This woman got to realise and understand that you can't continue
to do this (argumetns and fights),' Symonds told IANS over phone from

He admits language was a problem, but body language helped him to understand people.

'It was difficult as I didn't know the language, but I could
understand the body language. But when conversation used to go on, it
was difficult to understand. The fights looked ugly. But you couldn't
really control the disagreements,' he said.

Why did your chose to enter 'Bigg Boss'?

'I enjoy coming to India. I have a lot of good friends and I had lot
of good times here in India. It was a more obvious place for me to do
something like this because I have a connection with the country. It was
a great experience and useful also. I would be coming back to India
again for more cricket,' he said adding that he flying home to spend
'Christmas with my family'.

The Colors show started off with 13 female contestants and Shakti
Kapoor as the only male inmate. However, Amar Upadhyay, Siddharth
Bhardwaj and Akashdeep Saigal entered the reality show hosted by Salman
Khan and Sanjay Dutt.

And other celebs like Mahesh Bhatt, Swami Agnivesh and Symonds keep making brief appearances in the reality show.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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