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Porn star causes a stir in India

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

1Porn star causes a stir in India Empty Porn star causes a stir in India 2011-11-29, 5:47 pm




A Canadian porn star appearing in India's biggest reality TV
show is causing a stir in the mostly conservative country where sex is
taboo and open displays of affection are still frowned upon.

busty Sunny Leone, best known for her roles in films as Not Charlie's
Angels XXX and The Virginity Hit, made her entry this week in the Bigg
Boss, India's version of the show Big Brother.

"Hi I am Sunny
from California," Leone introduced herself to her fellow inmates at the
plush Bigg Boss house in heavily-accented Hindi after showing off a few
Bollywood-style dance moves.

Leone, a 30-year-old Canadian of
Indian origin, said she decided to join the Bigg Boss programme not
because of the money on offer but because she was addicted to the show.

really excited to be a part of it. I think I’d look great cooking...
and doing the house chores in pencil heels and sexy clothes that I'm
comfortable in," she told the Hindustan Times before joining the show.

an article headlined "The XXX Factor" on Thursday, the Mail Today
tabloid asked "Is porn slowly mainstreaming into our society through
Sunny Leone on TV and PETA's adult site?"

Animal rights group
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is to launch a porn
website this year that will also show animal mistreatment.

The site will present visitors with "tantalizing images", followed by graphic ones of cruelty to animals.

will check children from voting for Sunny Leone... and surfing the net
to get tutored about her?" asked writer Sangeeth Sebastian. "These are
pertinent points because sex is still taboo in India."

On microblogging site Twitter, reactions ranged from the lascivious to the outraged.

is shameful that TV shows are now bringing in porn stars to boost their
viewer ratings," college student Payal Saxena wrote. "I will not watch
this show anymore and will urge my other friends to do so."

cinema and television shows refrain from showing anything that is
deemed to be indecent, largely out of fear of running foul of strict
obscenity laws and the powerful state censor.

The Bollywood film
industry is famous for its "air kissing" -- kissing on the lips is still
rare -- and sex is only ever hinted at by suggestive scenes.

Past guests on Bigg Boss include former Baywatch star Pamela Anderson and the late British reality TV star Jade Goody.

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