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World's shortest woman wants to be Bollywood star

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



World's shortest woman wants to be Bollywood star TRDel530811_143253
NAGPUR, India (AP) — A high school student in central India was recognized as the world's shortest woman by Guinness World Records on Friday as she turned 18 and said she hopes to earn a degree and make it in Bollywood.
Jyoti Amge stood just 62.8 centimeters (24.7 inches) tall — shorter than the average 2-year-old — when Guinness representatives visiting from London measured her at a ceremony attended by about 30 relatives and friends in the town of Nagpur, in Maharashtra state.
teary-eyed Amge, dressed in one of her finest saris, called the honor
an "extra birthday present" and said she felt grateful for being small,
as it had brought her recognition. After receiving a plaque, she and her
guests cut a birthday cake.
"I have put Nagpur on the world map.
Now everyone will know where it is," said Amge, who says she dreams of
one day becoming a Bollywood film star as well as pursuing a university
degree after she finishes high school this year.
"I want to be an actor," she said.
She measured 7 centimeters (2.76 inches) shorter than 22-year-old American Bridgette Jordan, who had held the title since September.
"Jyoti encourages us all to look beyond mere size and to just celebrate our differences," Guinness adjudicator Rob Molloy said.
was not Amge's first Guinness record. Until Friday she was considered
the world's shortest teenager, but in turning 18 qualified for the new
title. She has grown less than 1 centimeter (0.4 inch) in the last two
years, Guinness said in a statement, and will grow no more due to a form
of dwarfism called achondroplasia.
teenage title brought the chance for multiple Guinness-sponsored trips
to Japan and Italy for tours and meetings with other record holders, she
The title of shortest
woman in history continues to be held by Pauline Musters, who lived in
the Netherlands from 1876 to 1895 and stood 61 centimeters (24 inches)
(This version CORRECTS dateline to Nagpur instead of Agpur)

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