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Fed sees risks from Europe, some improvement in U.S.

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



By Mark Felsenthal and Pedro da Costa

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Federal
Reserve on Tuesday warned that turmoil in Europe presents a big risk to
the U.S. economy, leaving the door open to possible further steps to
boost growth even though it noted a somewhat stronger labor market.

The central bank said the U.S.
economy was "expanding moderately" despite an apparent slowing in the
world economy. But while there had been "some" improvement in the job
market, unemployment remained elevated and housing depressed, it said.

"Strains in global financial markets
continue to pose significant downside risks to the economic outlook,"
the Fed said after a policy meeting, alluding to pressures stemming from
the debt crisis in the euro zone, which has raised concerns about
tighter credit in the United States.

Some investors had speculated that the Fed might show more urgency about moving ahead with new measures to help the economy.

U.S. stock prices fell, while prices
for government debt rose. The dollar, which has been pressured by the
Fed's huge-bond-buying programs, gained against the euro.

The Fed's statement was little
changed from the one made after its last meeting in early November,
although the U.S. central bank pinned uncertainty for the U.S. economy
more squarely on events in Europe.

While in November it said risks to the outlook included global strains, on Tuesday it cited only the risk of volatility abroad.

Most economists have said the Fed's
next meeting on January 24-25 would be the more likely occasion for any
new moves to add to the U.S. central bank's already extraordinary push
to bring down borrowing costs and help growth.


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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