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UPDATE 1-Dubai still faces refinancing risks-Moody's

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



(Releads with Moody's statement)

DUBAI, Dec 6 (Reuters) - Dubai, which has restructured

$41 billion of debt related to its flagship conglomerate and has

about $10 billion due next year, faces refinancing risks related

to some upcoming maturities, ratings agency Moody's said on


The Gulf Arab emirate has clawed its way back from the

depths of its 2009 debt crisis and seen an economic revival in

trade and tourism.

But looming obligations mean it is not yet out of the woods

and moves by Abu Dhabi firms to refinance their own upcoming

debt may crowd weaker Dubai entities out of the market, Moody's


It said the main risk relates to three firms -- Dubai

Holding Commercial Operations Group (DHCOG), part of the ruler's

private holding company, DIFC Investments (DIFCI) and Jebel Ali

Free Zone (JAFZA) -- which have $3.8 billion due next year.

The rating agency anticipated less government support now

than Dubai World received two years ago.

The Dubai government, backed by wealthy Abu Dhabi, supported

Dubai World and its property arm Nakheel through the debt crisis

but has since made clear it will only deploy its limited

resources to back strategic entities.

"We believe it is DIFCI that is most likely to rely on

direct government support in conjunction with refinancing its

maturing debt obligations in 2012," Moody's said, noting the

Dubai government is directly exposed to DIFCI, which runs the

city's financial freezone, having given it two loans.


The Financial Times said on Tuesday that Dubai had raised

the prospect of restructuring some bonds and is pursuing other

options to help state-related entities meet their obligations.

Those include raising $2 billion in funds from liquid local

banks, the newspaper said.

"We are working hard to meet all our liabilities but times

are different. We are more confident we can negotiate a

commercial deal with bondholders," a senior government official

is quoted as saying in the article.

In addition to the Dubai World restructuring, Dubai entities

have been refinancing loans over the past two years but there

has been no default on a public bond.

In December 2009, Abu Dhabi stepped in with a last-minute

lifeline to help Dubai avert an embarrassing default on a

Nakheel Islamic bond. It subsequently paid off Nakheel's 2010

and 2011 bonds in full upon maturity.

(Reporting by Stephen Mangan and Amran Abocar, Editing by

Sitaraman Shankar)

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