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Dubai Nov inflation 0.2 pct y/y as food costs ease

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



CPI flat m/m vs +0.3 pct in Oct
* Food prices fall, housing costs unchanged

DUBAI, Dec 15 (Reuters) - Dubai's annual inflation

rate edged lower to 0.2 percent in November as food prices

dropped and housing costs were steady, data showed on Thursday,

as analysts forecast only soft price pressures in the real

estate sector next year.

Consumer price growth in Dubai has held below 1 percent for

most of the year as bank lending remains slow and the property

sector weak in the wake of the emirate's 2009 debt crisis.

Inflation was at a three-month high of 0.3 percent in October.

Prices were unchanged on a month-on-month basis in November,

after a 0.3 percent increase in the previous month, the data

from the Dubai Statistics Center showed.

"Inflation is not a concern this year and next; we don't see

pressures from importers such as food or clothing. We continue

to see softening in local demand and in the real estate mainly,"

said Mahdi Mattar, chief economist at CAPM Investment in Dubai.

Last week, Abu Dhabi reported that its annual inflation rate

slowed to a 23-month low of 0.6 percent in November from 0.9

percent in October. The United Arab Emirates has yet to release

November consumer price data for the whole seven-member


In Dubai, food costs, the second largest consumer expense

with an 11 percent weighting in the index, decreased 0.8 percent

month-on-month after a 0.5 percent rise in October.

"Food prices were high during summer and Ramadan (holy

fasting month), and then started to get back down," Mattar said.

Housing prices, the biggest component in the Dubai basket,

were unchanged for the second consecutive month in November.

Analysts polled by Reuters in September predicted average

inflation in the UAE of 2.0 percent in 2011 and 3.0 percent in

2012, up from 0.9 percent last year.

But Mattar said, "In 2012 we will see more delivery in real

estate in Dubai which will put further pressure on prices. The

main component which is housing will continue to be soft."

UAE central bank governor Sultan Nasser al-Suweidi said in

June that inflation this year was likely to be lower than 3

percent as the real estate sector remained under pressure.

The country's economy minister called this month for

measures to prevent traders and commercial outlets from hiking

prices, after President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahayan

ordered a doubling of salaries of some state employees in

several sectors.

(Editing by Andrew Torchia)

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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