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Woman gets 100 silicone injections to have the world’s biggest lips

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Woman gets 100 silicone injections to have the world’s biggest lips Three_cols

(L) Kristina Rei before and after her injections (R). Photograph: Barcoft

By Bianca Ffolkes, Yahoo!

Meet Kristina Rei, the woman who now has the world’s biggest lips.

She’s only 22 and has spent £4,000 on lip injections in the hopes of resembling her favourite film heroine, Jessica Rabbit.

nail technician from St. Petersburg, Russia was convinced her thin lips
were ugly, so she opted to get a lip job – 100 of them - and aims to
make her enormous pout even bigger!

Speaking about her plump
pout, Rei said: “I think I look fantastic and it makes me happy.
Sometimes strangers shout names at me in the street “like big lips” but I
don't care. I want to go more extreme. I want to look like a cartoon

She added: “I am addicted to it - I love it.”

has wanted her lips enhanced since she was four years old, and says she
was always insecure about her appearance - and childhood teasing didn’t
help her confidence. Russian TV adverts that promote cosmetic surgery
are common, she said, giving her the idea at a very young age.

got her first injection at 17, and hasn't looked back. Rei can eat,
speak and kiss the same way she did before and says she hasn’t suffered
any painful after-effects.

She said: “Other than the way I look, my lips haven't had a big impact on my life, so I'm definitely not going to stop now.”

plastic surgeon Dr Yannis Alexandrides of 111 Harley St. told Yahoo!
Lifestyle: “Kristina's obsession with the lip injections means she may
suffer from body dysmorphia and this would not make her a good candidate
for more cosmetic enhancement.”

He believes she maybe concerned
with society’s perception of beauty he said: “People associate very thin
lips with ageing and full lips with youth and trustworthy qualities.”

Dr Alexandrides added: “In the long run her injections are not good and go against good aesthetics.”

The beauty addict plans to have more injections as she feels her lips are “definitely too small at the moment.”

said: “My big lips have helped boost my confidence. Even my parents are
happy for me. They really don’t care about my appearance. Some of my
friends have told me I shouldn’t go any bigger but I’m not satisfied

Beyond her lips Rei hopes to have even more cosmetic work
done in the future, including a boob and nose job and pointed ears “like
an elf.”



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